Christmas Pie Recipes Made Easy and Delicious

There are a variety of Christmas cookie recipes that you can choose for a family dish menu. Especially if this year, you have a plan to celebrate Christmas with your whole family. Of course you need a special preparation for the snack menu and the main menu will be served. Basically, to make Christmas dish there are several menus you need to prepare. First, you need a light appetizer. The dishes tend to be salty and savory so that it can arouse the appetite. Second, you need a main dish that you can make to your liking. While in the third, you need a sweet dessert and fresh. Usually, light snacks chosen as dessert.
Christmas Pie Recipes Made Easy and Delicious
For Christmas cake recipe snack menu, you can make a cake or cookies are full of surprises. Cake may be too heavy for full effect, especially after eating the main course filled with carbohydrates and protein. To that end, pastries are the best alternative at this time. There are several recommendations for Christmas best pastries you can try such as cheese cake recipe nastar, chochocips cupcake recipe, recipe brownies biscuit dry, or dry milk pie recipe, which is one of the easiest recipes made and tasty.

To make pie recipe Dates dry milk, you do not need to look for ingredients that complicated because all available at your nearest supermarket. Although palm synonymous with serving the Middle East, but this will be the best alternative for those of you who want to present snack menu with Christmas cake recipe that is different from usual. This is the best way so that guests can not guess your menu, as they usually do in every Christmas in previous years. The following materials need to be prepared and steps to make the pie Dates of dry milk.

Materials need to be prepared:

- Palm-sized, 250 gr
- Apples cut into the box, 75 g
- Sweetened condensed milk, to taste
- Cinnamon powder, 1 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Margarine, to taste
- Water
- Cupcake molds

How to make dry milk pie Dates:

  1. Blender rugged all dates. Try not to be too fine because it will remove the original texture of dates. We want to maintain the texture of the palm so that there are different sensations in every bite.
  2. Place the dough on a baking sheet dates. Mix with apples that have been cut in squares and mix well. Do not forget to add cinnamon powder and condensed milk to taste. Sprinkle ¾ spoon of salt and add water until the dough is not too thick. Make sure that the cake batter is perfect so the cake does not sodden.
  3. Spread margarine on the cupcake mold so that the dough is not sticky. It is also necessary for the outskirts of the cake is not too dry or burnt. Next, enter all the dough into a mold that has been spread with margarine and make sure not too full.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes with the temperature being so dry pie on the outside and tender on the inside.
  5. After 30 minutes, wait until cool and Milk Dates pie ready to be served.
  6. Easy is not it, to make this Christmas cake recipe? Now, you do not need to worry about the necessary materials or even your ability to make a snack of Christmas because this recipe is tested and the results are delicious!

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